Sunday, January 29, 2012

What a lovely summer!

So far...

I've been enjoying cooler than usual summer this year, but I definitely lost lots in the vegie gardens! Eggplants, tomatoes and cucumbers are struggling over the summer, provided with much less fruits than I hoped for.

It's a Catch-22 situation, eh? I prefer cooler summer but then I won't eat well!

Ah well. I harvested a nice big bunch of bananas today - weight way more than 5 kg! Will take a photo of it tomorrow when I've figured out how to really weigh it! lol...

Orchard's doing ok. Lost the whole lot of fruits except quinces due to both weathers and sneaky critters but at least I know what I'd need to do for this year 'fruit forest' maintenance. I would need to put in lime to balance out the acidity and increase calcium in apples!

Chooks all are doing good though the egg supply dropped to 1 egg per 3 days!

I basically just done not much but weeding here and there when I can be bothered!

It will be back to usual schedule next week anyway.

Till then later!

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